Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Catching High Level Pokemon !

With this tip, you can catch Rayquaza, Groundon, and Kyogre.
It's best to save your Masterball for the Lati you want.

1. A high level pokemon that knows the move False Swipe.
2. 20 TimerBalls
3. A LOT of pokeballs
4. Patience
5. A pokemon that knows Yawn, Stum Spore, AND/OR a move that has a high rate of Freezing.
CAUTION!!! If you use any Buring, Confusion, poisoning move, you'll faint the pokemon!
6. A pokemon that knows detect/protect and moonlight.

Get your Timerballs and go get Groundon*. Battle him, and use the move False Swipe. (The good thing about it, is that you can attack him however many times you want, but it wont faint him! It will bring his HP to 1) When his HP gets to 1, use Yawn/stunspore/freezemove on him. If he gets Paralyzed, put to sleep, or frozen, it will make it harder for Groundon to escape the pokeball.
Use pokeballs on him over and over. The count as a turn. Keep throwing balls at him until he is healthy again. Then, get out a pokemon that knows Protect/Detect and moonlight. When groundon attacks, use the defending move. Protect can't often be used 2x in a row... an that's where moonlight comes in. Detect is a limited move, that works too.
Again, freeze/paralyze/yawn the legendary so he is vulnerable. Throw pokeballs until he is healthy once more. Then repeat, only this time, you throw a TIMERBALL. Timerballs get more powerful the more turns the battle is. This comes in handy. Throw it, and if you waited long enough, Groundon should be yours!

*Any legendary except Lati. Lati needs a Masterball.

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